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work with me

Are you looking for ways to master your motherhood?

Are you tired, wornout, stressed, and feel like you’ve lost yourself?

Does this new role feel daunting and impossible? Do you feel not cut out to be a mom, but you’re scared to admit it or say it out loud to anyone, afraid of what others might think?

Are you beyond sleep deprived, snappy with your kids, disorganized, and feel like you’re just getting by day by day?

Do you want to take better care of yourself and your family but you don’t even know where to start or how you’re going to do it?

If so, keep reading.

As a mom to three littles, I have experienced and learned a lot about motherhood, babies, and toddlers, and I know what it’s like to want to do what’s best for your baby while also not wanting to neglect yourself. From getting my children on a consistent eating and sleeping routine, to dealing with acid reflux, two under two, PPD, and more, (all while taking care of my own physical and mental health), I want to help you and meet you where you’re at to give you the support you need in your motherhood journey.

Picture this:

You just found out you’re pregnant and you’re feeling all the things. Scared, nervous, excited, anxious, giddy, etc. You have this vision of what you want your pregnancy to look like, how you want this amazing journey to go. Then you have your baby. Birth is a surreal and miraculous experience and you are in awe that you now have this beautiful baby and life to care for.


You care for your new little one and feel so connected. The bond you have is so deep and loving and you feel so at peace knowing how confident you feel in your new role as a mom.


You wake up well-rested, your baby has consistent patterns and habits that you have both learned and implemented and it’s so nice to know what they need and when they need it. You love being able to be there for your child.


You know exactly what things to provide for them, what environments they thrive in best where they can develop well and grow. You become so happy and confident that having another one sounds like something you can definitely imagine doing.


As your baby grows, so do you. You’ve also implemented a consistent, healthy routine for yourself, making sure you’re taking care of you just as well as you’re caring for your little one.


You’ve healed well after birth, you have energy and clarity, and time left in the day to fill your cup with the things that matter most to you (aside from your baby of course). 


Your baby is now a toddler and you love this new independence that they are gaining. You tackle feeding and potty-training like a champ, you know what foods and products are best for their new stage of development and they take great naps and sleep all night (so that you can too!).


Your bond is getting deeper as you work on communication and speaking back and forth with each other. You find out you’re pregnant again and you can’t wait to go through this journey with another little one.


You repeat this process with your second pregnancy, newborn, and infant and now you feel bliss that you have two precious little ones that are so well taken care of, as are you.


You get stronger, wiser, healthier, and less anxious the longer you’re in your motherhood.


Let me guess, this sounds pretty good, right?!


Hi! I’m Jenna, and I can get you there.

What I Can help you with:

Pregnancy/Postpartum Support

Motherhood Support

  • How to have a healthy pregnancy
  • How to have an unmedicated birth
  • How to get through postpartum depression/postpartum anxiety
  • How to breastfeed, pump, bottle/formula feed
  • What is newborn sleep and how do you help them get what they need
  • How to adjust to parenthood with your spouse without it causing problems in your marriage
  • How to heal and take care of yourself during your postpartum recovery
  • What is acid reflux and how to deal with it
  • How to potty-train
  • How to get your baby/toddler on a routine
  • How to travel (and enjoy your vacation!) with babies/toddlers
  • How to manage multiple children
  • Finding balance and time in your day for YOU
  • How to live a healthy lifestyle for both you and your children
  • How to help your child manage their emotions and give them what they truly need 
  • How to not feel guilty for doing things that are necessary for your physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and relational health
  • Item 1


“Jenna is super friendly and easy to talk to. She was very helpful with her tips in not only how to fit in time for myself throughout the day with the kids and work but also went above and beyond to give me some additional tips with my son’s sleep issues. If you are looking for some guidance within your daily routine, I would highly reccomend her!” -Stefanie

“Jenna was super helpful and knowledgeable. She listened well and didn’t make me feel like my questions were unnecessary. I loved how easily accessible she was when I was having an issue or situation I didn’t know how to handle. Jenna gave me valuable tools to use now and in the future with my son and any future kids I may have. Thank you!”-Elaina

“I met Jenna in a networking group and she seemed to do exactly what I needed. Some mom guidance! I have a 7-month old who is struggling with sleep, which means I am struggling with sleep. She gave me some good pointers. Some things I know but have forgotten about and other things are new to me. The next step is to go and test it all. Fingers crossed for an excellent outcome! Thanks Jenna.” -Ghitta

“Jenna helped me figure out how to balance productivity and quality time with my daughter. She has a friendly, helpful personality and is very easy to talk to. As a new mom and aspiring entrepreneur, it was great for me to talk to someone who’s been there and could provide coaching and advice. Thanks for your help, Jenna! – Briana

“I was just looking for clarification and insight when I got on the phone with Jenna, and she definitely did not disappoint. She helped me feel seen and that I wasn’t alone. She showed me that what I was feeling is okay and that I can help my children by caring for myself first without feeling guilty.” – Sammi

“My baby and I have been struggling with sleep pretty much since she was born. She goes through good weeks and bad weeks, but I’ve always just dealt with it. Jump 10 months ahead, and what didn’t seem to bother me at first is causing me exhaustion. I initially purchased The First Years in hopes that it would help give me the information I needed to fix our sleeping issues-I never thought it would be one of my go-to books for baby questions! We had a one-on-one call to help find and address the factors that could be causing our difficulties, and after talking with her, I felt like I had a new boost of confidence. She helped me make a long-term plan to get my family where we wanted to be. The First Years and Jenna’s coaching is something I didn’t know I needed, but am so glad I did. I can’t wait to see how we progress!” – Emily


Choose your coaching option:

Connect Call

Schedule a free 30 minute call where we can chat about your goals for motherhood and how we can work together

1:1 1 hour coaching call

Book your one hour coaching call where we can work together to help you combat the challenges you’re facing in motherhood

1:1 monthly Coaching

Two one-hour calls per month plus unlimited messaging support with me to get the help you need on a daily basis